

All you do against nature
                                         is not substantial.                                                                                                                                                                                      Charles Darwin

Environmental protection and saving sustainable sources is our duty today for the next generations.


For that reason we built for example a heat recovery system to save heat in our production. All heat we need is produced CO2 neutral with our wooden shavings. So we are able to heat all buildings with environmental friendly engergy.

The wooden shavings we don´t need for heating are processed to pellets from our partners and help other people in germany to heat with environmental friendly materials.


2016 we built a photovoltaiksystem on the roof of our buildings, so that we are able to produce a part of our needed energy by sun and save environment in the same time.



Since August 2020 GLS is one of our buisness partner.

With these parcel service we ship climate neutral

Hier finden Sie uns

Schmidt GmbH
Talstr. 29
57520 Dickendorf


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+49 (0) 2747 2441


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